Catalog Design

Let your products and services market themselves!

You know best the products and services you have produced, and the catalogs you own after you... We offer effective and innovative catalog works that will attract the attention of your customers and make potential sales.

Need a Catalogue?

Discuss your catalog needs with our experts.

2 Important Points!


The absolute necessity for a quality catalog is quality photos of products and services. For an effective catalog, a production agreement must be made.


The more abundant and accurate the content, the higher the quality of the catalog will increase. The catalog is the work that describes the product and service you describe once, by itself.

Frequently Asked Questions About Catalog Design

The duration of the catalog designs, which vary according to the content and demand, takes an average of 30 to 60 days.
Photo shooting service is provided by ifeelcode solution partners, in cases where a production agreement is made within the scope of catalog shooting. In cases where there is no production agreement, the company itself must provide the images to be used in the catalog content.
Catalog sizes are determined according to UX-UI fundamentals and content. At this point, our designers guide your company in terms of size. Our company, which keeps track of current trends, shares its various suggestions and recommendations with you at this point. However, the firm's demand for size is the main determining factor.
The number of pages in the catalog affects the price. Our catalog fees are calculated over a maximum of 50 pages. Extra charges apply for catalog works over 50 pages. Another important issue in catalog transactions is printing fees. We do not recommend catalogs of 50 or more pages, as the printing costs of multi-page catalogs will be high. Since catalogs with 50 or more pages are not positive in terms of UX-UI principles, it will bore and disturb the people who view the catalog.
Contents are not created by us in catalog transactions. Before starting the catalog process, you determine which products will take place in which order and with which features. Since the catalogs prepared in line with your demands are the elements that best describe your business and your services, we pay attention to the principle of "who does the job best".
Printing fees are not included in the price. The fee we charge for catalog transactions is only the design fee. ifeelcode does not print jobs. However, there are different companies in different regions that we can recommend to you.