Professional Website

General features

General features available in Professional Website solution.

Modern Design

We pay great attention to design. We produce unique designs that cannot be easily imitated.

IFC - Panel

We offer an advanced management panel that allows you to manage your website as you wish and is constantly updated via API.

Responsive Design

All the websites we have produced work seamlessly on all computers, phones and tablets.

SEO Structure

Thanks to the coded web structure as requested by the search engines, the SEO compatibility of your websites is high.


There are advanced optimization possibilities for search engines according to the sector.

Link Structure

The short link structure that makes websites look more professional and most importantly, that search engines like.

Fast Loading

The technologies we use ensure that your site loads quickly.

Photo Compression

By ensuring that the photos you upload to your site are compressed without compromising the quality, we ensure that your website opens quickly.

Safe and Stable

We use all the opportunities offered by the Laravel infrastructure in accordance with world standards.


IFC - The panel keeps itself up-to-date with its advanced API infrastructure. We don't charge you for new features.

Email Setup

In all our website solutions, we do not charge extra for creating an e-mail account and installing it on all your devices.

SSL Certificate

It provides free installation of SSL certificates in all website solutions, we do not charge additional fees for this.

Special Modules

There is no extra charge for add-ons to be installed on the IFC-Panel upon request.

Wide Language Structure

No extra charge for up to 5 languages.

Technical support

Your problems, opinions and suggestions are very important to us. There is someone here who can take care of you at any time.

Private IP Address (Optional)

We only allow the use of your private IP address. In this way, you can get rises in the field of SEO and increase your mail quality score.

Let's Realize Your Website Idea!

Contact our sales experts to turn your idea into a tangible website.

Frequently Asked Questions About Professional Website

A website allows you to be visible in the digital world. For example: it offers a unique way to deliver a product or service you have produced to its buyers. A store structure that is low in cost and never closes will undoubtedly provide positive returns for all businesses.
In all our Website solutions, package contents are written in detail. You can have the information of which Website will be suitable for your business after examining the packages in detail. If you are still having difficulty making a choice, you can get information by dialing 1 (Sales) on 0850 259 3606 customer service number.
Professional Websites come with embedded SEO optimization. Thanks to the current SEO structure, all you need to do to rank high in search engines is to be supported by a professional SEO service.
In cases where the content is transferred on time, the Professional Website solution is completed within an average of 30 working days.
Professional Websites are the top package in the current structure and are not Upgradeable.
If no additional language structure was requested while creating your website, it takes an extra time to add the language. If an additional language is added to a website with an existing language structure, a fee of 250.00TL + VAT is applied per language. On websites that do not have a language structure, 500,00 TL + VAT is applied for the first language. After having the additional language structure, a standard fee of 250.00 TL + VAT per language is applied for the extra languages ​​to be requested.
Professional websites packages have a standard quota of 10GB. Your current total quota is measured by your total website footprint and email usages. When your quota is full, your current e-mail usage and website access stop. In this case, we need to define an additional quota for your Website plan.
In all our website solutions, the annual renewal fee is calculated as 500TL + VAT. (This charge may change each year) In addition, if an additional quota purchase is made after the current defined quota has expired, it will be additionally reflected on your invoice 365 days from the date of purchase.